Be the driver…NOT the passenger!

By | 2016-06-27T04:51:07+00:00 June 27th, 2016|Communication, Determination, Heart, Leadership, Relationships, Self-control, True Self|

Do you allow a negative comment or a harsh word get under your skin, especially when it comes from someone you care about, or someone you thought highly of? If [...]

May I Help You?

By | 2017-12-02T02:09:04+00:00 March 20th, 2016|Relationships|

Picture this: You’re over your head with your work. You’re already behind on your project that’s due in a day. The phone rings, you answer. “Hello, may I help you?” On the [...]

Is Silence Really Golden?

By | 2017-12-02T02:09:04+00:00 January 8th, 2016|Leadership|

It is said "communication is the hardest thing in the world." Isn't that the truth! Lack thereof causes chaos in an organization, misunderstandings between friends, broken hearts between lovers, and [...]

Open your HEART

By | 2017-12-02T02:09:05+00:00 April 27th, 2015|Heart|

Generally, the power that comes with a position or life status, transforms people, and it gives them a sense of superiority over others. This behavior creates a dichotomy between the [...]

Power vs. Heart

By | 2016-04-07T19:36:32+00:00 April 1st, 2014|Leadership|

We've heard over and over again that people leave their bosses and not their jobs. Do you ever ask yourselves why we have this problem in organizations? Why can't there [...]